The Magic of Having Money Friends

Maybe you’ve heard my money story by now, maybe you haven’t.

In a nutshell: I was living in New York, making 6 figures, in serious credit card debt, wondering how I was going to ever start a family, start a business, or accomplish any of my dreams that would require me to have my sh*t together.

Rapidly approaching 30, I dug deep into personal finance until I felt intellectually comfortable with money—like, I knew how to define an IRA and how to set up automatic deposits.

Emotionally, though, I felt totally overwhelmed and alone.

Just because I knew what I should be doing didn’t mean I felt confident doing it. 

Look at these cute money friends!

I couldn’t confide in my parents, relatives, or friends about my money—I didn’t know whether they’d be able to give me solid advice. 

I couldn’t even talk finance with my best friend who I’ve known since I was 14 (hi, Amber!). Now we talk about money all the time, but it took some work—and starting Factora—to get us there. 

“When women talk about and get active with our money, we lift each other up, push each other to dream bigger, and improve our finances in ways you could never discover from Google.”

I, like most women, prefer to have sounding boards, people I can ask questions to and bounce ideas off of, because it’s too easy to rabbit hole yourself into indecision when it comes to making financial choices: which financial institution to go with, what percentage of my income to put towards savings vs. investments, how to set up a brokerage account, etc. 

All of this is to say that once I DID make money friends (hellooo, Factora), my financial life totally blossomed. 

Apparently I take a lot of selfies with my finance confidantes.

I now have empowering, open conversations about all aspects of my financial wellbeing with friends, family and of course, other Factora women.

When women talk about and get active with our money, we lift each other up, push each other to dream bigger, and improve our finances in ways you could never discover from Google.

I hope you have people in your circle to discuss your financial possibilities with too.

Happy Friday,



Why I Didn't Start Investing Earlier


The "Investment" Myth