FREE WEBINAR — January 24 @ 6PM CT | 7PM ET

How to Recession Proof Your Finances & Grow Your Net Worth

Learn actionable steps you can take to start building wealth and get a preview of what we teach in the Wealth Circle.

Attend this webinar to:

  • Learn action items you can do today to get closer to financial freedom

  • Preview the timeless investment principles we practice and preach that build lasting wealth

  • Understand how to use the stock market to multiply your money again and again (and why market dips are actually a good thing)

  • See why community and accountability are the best ways to supercharge your learnings

  • Feel confident about your money no matter what’s going on in your life or the economy

  • All attendees get early access to spots in the Spring 2023 Wealth Circle. (We typically sell out within 72 hours!)

Meet your host:

Allegra Moet Brantly, Founder & CEO of Factora, began her personal finance journey $18K in debt. After realizing she was approaching 30 with $0 in savings or investments, she taught herself everything she could about investing. Since then, she has:

  • Saved $60K for her emergency fund in a high-yield savings account

  • Grown her net worth from -$18K to $1.1M

  • Invested in stock market holdings that earn her passive income

  • Purchased 3 cash-flowing real estate investments

  • Optimized those investments to fully cover her annual housing costs

  • Created an amazing community of investor women in Factora

#MoneyWins from the Factora community