Wealth Circle FAQs
Everything you need to know about a Factora Wealth Circle is just a click away.
2024 Contribution Limit Updates
Major changes coming to your IRA and 401(k)s in 2023 — what you need to know.
How to Use Money as a Tool for Burnout
How to prepare financially to take time off work to prioritize your mental health, travel, or spend more time with the ones you love.
Should I pay off my credit card in full or invest?
Should you focus on paying down debt or investing for your future (or both)?
What’s Your Investing Rate and Why Should You Increase It?
We figured it’s time to explain one of the most important factors to your wealth building success: Your Investing Rate.
How to Compare Loan Estimates
Learn how to compare loan estimates & closing options so you can easily purchase your next real estate property (or three!).
Should You Start a Business?
We break down the pros and cons of starting a business because investing in this asset class is not a set-it-and-forget strategy.
How to Evaluate Your Next Investment Property
Keep reading to access a checklist of questions to ask when evaluating a real estate investment.
Tax-Advantaged vs Taxable Accounts
Learn the differences between tax-advantaged and taxable investment accounts and why you should be using both.